Installing the game on a local disk

Download the archive and unzip it to a directory and open the local file StarMines.html with a web browser.

Highscores will not be saved between games unless you install the game to a web server.

Installing the game to a web server

Create a subdirectory "smj" under the web server's document root, and unzip the archive to that directory.

Copy the "" to your CGI directory, or rename it to .cgi depending on your server configuration, and check that the Perl command line matches to your system configuration.

Copy default.scores to StarMines.scores if this is the first installation. If you are upgrading, you don't want to overwrite the existing scores.

Copy config.txt to StarMines.config.

Edit the SCOREURL parameter in StarMines.config to point to your server/port and actual location/name of
Note: if you want to use other server name than localhost, you must obtain a license key from the author of StarMines.

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StarMines for Java is Copyright © 1998-2003 Jari Karjala.